Needless To Say, That Claim Didn't Get Through. The Third-largest Claims Category, Clothing And Laundry, Is Also Rapidly Growing — Almost 20 Per Cent Over The Past Five Years.
"It might be that you're sitting at the kitchen table or sitting in front of the TV," Ms Anderson said. "When that's the case, you're not incurring any extra expense for working at home and therefore you can't claim it." Other claims that may raise a red flag with the ATO include entertainment streaming services, such as Netflix or Stan. "We had a case of a teacher once who decided that they should claim their whole Foxtel because they needed to keep up with the things that their students would be watching," Ms Anderson said. "Needless to say, that claim didn't get through." The third-largest claims category, clothing and laundry, is also rapidly growing — almost 20 per cent over the past five years. In fiscal 2017, 6 million people claimed almost $1.8 billion for clothes and laundry expenses. Ms Anderson said the "biggest myth" was that everybody was entitled to claim $150 in this category. Last year, about 1.4 ...